Saturday, December 27, 2014

2015 Fairytale Challenge

The Daily Prophecy
You all know how I love fairytales and I'm always on the lookout for a good fairytale retelling, so I was ecstatic to see that there was a challenge hosted by The Daily Prophecy for fariytale retellings! It's a pretty awesome challenge too, and the reader gets to decide what qualifies! 

Since I didn't do so great with challenges last year, and I want to enter others as well, I'm going with Magic Mirror 5-9 books, but I hope I get to read more!

Here are some of the books I hope I get to read for this challenge
1. Winter by Marissa Meyer
2. Heartless by Marissa Meyer
3. The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson
4. Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis
5. A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas
6. What Is Hidden by Lauren Skidmore
7. Hero by Alethea Kontis
8. Dearest by Alethea Kontis
9. The Ryn by Serena Chase

I'll keep track of this challenge on my challenges page!

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