Top Ten Tuesday is a fun meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we pick the top ten things that we choose for the topic of the week.
Top Ten "Gateway" Books/Authors In My Reading Journey (so your list could be a mix of a books that got you into reading, an author that got you into reading a genre you never thought you'd read, a book that brought you BACK into read)

Authors - All of them! They are so good at creating worlds and writing wonderful books for their readers to get lost in.
Jane Kurtz - Jane Kurtz was the first author I ever got to interact with. My first author interview. She was so inspiring and made me realize that authors aren't as untouchable as they seem.
Lisa Tawn Bergren - I read the River of Time series written by this author, for teens, and fell in love with it. I wanted more from this author so I went ahead and read her adult Christian fiction Grand Tour series and loved it as well. It made me realize that I love Christian fiction and that even if it says it's for adults, that osme of it is appropriate for teens too. I guess you could call me a conservative reader. (I only read clean books, so I make sure all the books I read are clean even if I have to read/skim 100 reviews first!) Since reading the first book in that series Christian fiction has become one of my favorite genres.
Melanie Dickerson - Melanie Dickerson made me realize my love for fairy-tale retellings and showed me that there are a lot of good ones out there (hers are some of the best).

Nancy Drew - I loved Nancy Drew books when I was younger, and my love for mysteries is still thriving today thanks to her.
Mandie Mysteries - When I was younger I read Mandie Mystery books. They made me realize how much I love reading historical fiction, mysteries, and Christian books.
L. M. Montgomery - I love the entire Anne of Green Gables series! It introduced me to a life of kindred spirits! I still love to read Anne of Green Gables, and I really need to read the last one.
American Girl series - I read so many of those books when I was younger. I think that is where my love for historical fiction started.
Krista McGee - She wrote Anomaly, which was the first dystopian book I've ever read. It was a truly amazing book!
Each and every author that has contacted me - You are all amazing and I appreciate you and you books very much!
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