Wonderland Weekend is a feature on my blog where I pick a topic about how stories take us to "another world." Each month I have a new topic and will write about it every weekend of that month or just one or two weekends (whatever I feel like/have time for/can come up with). I would love for you to join me, so feel free to write about this topic at any time throughout the month and link it back to me - just have fun with it!
(These will usually be bookish posts but sometimes they'll be more discussiony)
November Topic: Since Thanksgiving is this month, November's topic will be thankfulness and anything that has to do with thanksgiving!

As young children, we learned all about the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims, the Indians, Christopher Columbus, and a big feast throughout the entire month of November. We would make the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria ships, Pilgrims, Indians, participate in Thanksgiving plays. Our teachers would help us write down things we were thankful for, from the silly things like a new toy to the most important ones like family and God.
As we get older, thankfulness is something that we must think about on our own. It's not really emphasized a whole lot in high-school and co-workers probably don't put thankful turkeys on their bulletin boards.
Thankfulness is something that must be present inside of each of us - in our minds and hearts - all of the time, not just in November. Think about it. We have so much to be thankful for! No one's life is perfect! We must make a choice - whether we want to let all the worries and negative aspects of life get us down (I know sometimes that is really easy) or if we want to look on the bright side and have a positive attitude. I, for one, definitely hope to look at the bright side and trust God with all of my worries and let Him know how thankful I am for everything he has done for us and for everything he has blessed me with!
We all have something to be thankful whether it God's love and forgiveness, family, friends, health, shelter, food, opportunities, etc., or all of these!
Take a step back from your busy schedule and say

I want to strive to have a positive outlook! What do you prefer?
As young children, we learned all about the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims, the Indians, Christopher Columbus, and a big feast throughout the entire month of November. We would make the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria ships, Pilgrims, Indians, participate in Thanksgiving plays. Our teachers would help us write down things we were thankful for, from the silly things like a new toy to the most important ones like family and God.
As we get older, thankfulness is something that we must think about on our own. It's not really emphasized a whole lot in high-school and co-workers probably don't put thankful turkeys on their bulletin boards.
Thankfulness is something that must be present inside of each of us - in our minds and hearts - all of the time, not just in November. Think about it. We have so much to be thankful for! No one's life is perfect! We must make a choice - whether we want to let all the worries and negative aspects of life get us down (I know sometimes that is really easy) or if we want to look on the bright side and have a positive attitude. I, for one, definitely hope to look at the bright side and trust God with all of my worries and let Him know how thankful I am for everything he has done for us and for everything he has blessed me with!
We all have something to be thankful whether it God's love and forgiveness, family, friends, health, shelter, food, opportunities, etc., or all of these!
Take a step back from your busy schedule and say
I want to strive to have a positive outlook! What do you prefer?
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