My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Goodreads Summary
The Selection changed America Singer's life in ways she never could have imagined. Since she entered the competition to become the next princess of Illéa, America has struggled with her feelings for her first love, Aspen—and her growing attraction to Prince Maxon. Now she's made her choice . . . and she's prepared to fight for the future she wants.
Find out who America will choose in The One, the enchanting, beautifully romantic third book in the Selection series!
My Review
While this series and this book drove me crazy at times because of their lack of decision and other things, I had to find out how it ended! But I'm going to try to keep this short and not give away anything!
I will say that I loved how so many discoveries were made. From the Norther and Southern rebels to the girls remaining in the Selection, to Prince Maxon.
The girls relationships took some twists and turns for the better, and I really enjoyed finally seeing them grow closer. Some things took me by surprise which, just made the book more enjoyable. America finally made her choice. One that made me (and her and her choice) very happy! I was really relieved that it ended with the choice that I wanted her to make, because now I don't have to complain and regret reading the series. But anyway, this series does have a way with playing the readers emotions, and I was a little sad to say goodbye to all of the characters. I was proud of some of America's actions and decisions, she proved herself a great princess (no matter the outcome). I hope they live happily ever after and make a true difference!
Like I said, this series played with my emotions!

I would like to thank my local Library for allowing me to borrow and read this book.
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