Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Waing on Wednesday: Waking Beauty

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine, where we share a book that we are waiting for. This post is so fun because it helps us stay on the lookout for books!

Waking BeautyWaking Beauty by Sarah E. Morin
Pub Date: May 5, 2015
Goodreads Summary
The rescue wasn't going at all how he planned. Prince Arpien intends to gain a throne and the sleeping beauty's heart with a single kiss that wakes her from the evil fairy's curse. But kissing the princess is only the beginning of a series of unfore–seen obstacles: man–eating bugs, deadly spindles, talking lapdogs, and fiery pickles. The sleeping beauty is the biggest com–plication of all. Princess Brierly is beautiful and Fairy–Gifted, but also...daft. After one hundred years of sleep imprisonment, Brierly re–fuses to believe this rescue is anything more than a tantalizing but doomed dream. Arpien is drawn to the vibrancy be–neath Brierly's indifferent exterior. Can they reclaim her kingdom? Do they dare trust in the Prince of the old tales to help them battle the evil fairy who cursed Brierly? What is the price of waking beauty?

Why I'm Waiting
This book sounds very intriguing, plus I've always been a huge fan of fairytales!

View all my reviews

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