
Friday, February 28, 2014

Falling Behind on Friday

Falling Behind on Friday is a meme hosted by Moira the Fates book reviews, where we share a book that has been sitting on our shelves waiting be read, or has been on your wishlist.

Right Where I BelongRight Where I Belong by Krista McGee

Right Where I Belong Goodreads Summary:
How do you find your place in the world?

Tired of watching her father flit from one wife to another and having formed a true bond with her most recent stepmother, Natalia decides to move with her from Spain to Florida when the divorce papers are finalized.

There are a couple things Natalia knows for sure: 1) She's being groomed to take over her father's international business. Success is expected. 2) There is no such thing as true love. Just look at her father. 3) Her stepmother's faith is real. And Natalia wants more of it.

Being in a new place, though, has a way of challenging one's preconceived notions. Natalia is still searching but before it's over, she hopes to discover right where she belongs.

View all my reviews

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Man of God by Gregg Bell

Man of GodMan of God by Gregg Bell
My rating: 3.75 of 5 stars

Man of GodGoodreads Summary:
Reverend John Archer used to be a good man. But the merciless street gangs in his impoverished Chicago neighborhood have made him grow tired of turning the other cheek. So when he witnesses a gang execution of an upstanding fourteen-year-old boy, Archer ignores the ’hood’s unwritten law of ‘do not snitch’ and gives a statement to the police. And in the process makes himself and his family a target.

Now Archer has to choose—obey his God or protect his family.

Things I liked
I really like Christian books, and I liked some of the characters in this book and how they turned to and trusted God. John Archer had the strongest faith which I found inspiring. His wife and son's journey of faith throughout the book was also interesting and inspiring, as well as their determination to protect their family.

Man of God had a very good message and made me really think about some things. I like when a book can make me think.
I'm not going to say anymore so I can avoid small spoilers.

Things I didn't like(this is longer just because I had to explain more, not because there was more I didn't like)
I'm not used to reading about gangs, and this isn't the type of book that I would normally read. I did like it a lot, I just wasn't a huge fan of some of the activities and such that went on with the gang.

I don't live in a large city or a really populated place. I've never experienced the fear of people in gangs, and I don't know how the don't snitch thing really works. So maybe I just don't get it, but I had a problem (and still have a problem) understanding why the police can't just do something to stop the gang and arrest the leader (and others). It's not like they didn't know where they were. I mean, they knew exactly where they hung out, and everything, why did they let things get so out of hand? It would have solved so much. Maybe it's just me, but that didn't make sense.

Altogether this book was very inspiring, but some things just didn't make sense to me.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This in no way effected my opinions.
View all my reviews

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday - Destined for Doon by Carey Corp

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine, where we share a book that we are waiting for.

Destined for Doon (Doon, #2)Destined for Doon by Carey Corp
Release date: Sept. 2, 2014

Destined for DoonThe second book in the popular new Doon YA series that takes on a classic story, Brigadoon, and spins it in a new way to give readers a fresh, modern experience.

In this sequel to Doon, Kenna Reid realizes she made a horrible mistake-choosing to follow her dreams of Broadway instead of staying in the enchanted land of Doon. Worse, she's received proof she and Duncan are meant to be, along with torturous visions of the prince she left behind. So when Duncan shows up and informs Kenna that Doon needs her, she doesn't need to think twice. But even if Kenna can save the enchanted kingdom, her happily ever after may still be in peril.

The Doon novels are a part of Blink, HarperCollins Christian Publishing's new YA imprint that delivers empowering and heartening literature while maintaining a tradition of imaginative and impactful storytelling.

Why I'm Waiting
I still haven't read Doon, but I really, really want to. It sounds so good! I will admit that sometimes I have trouble waiting for the next book in a series to come out, especially if there is a cliff hanger, so it's probably a good thing I haven't read it yet since Destined for Doon doesn't come out until Sept. 2, 2014. I love the covers of the books in this series, they are so pretty!

What are you waiting on this Wednesday?

View all my reviews

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Rewind

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we pick the top ten things that we choose for the topic of the week.
Topic - Rewind

This is so tough for me. It's so hard to pick one topic. Hmmmm. I just started blogging a little over a month ago so I have missed so many. Oh, I know! Maybe I could pick ten! Just kidding, I don't have enough time for that! (Shhh, in case you can't tell, I sometimes have a hard time making choices).

Topic I eventually chose - Inspirational Characters
I love characters and books that inspire me. An inspiring character is one that I respect, would love to be BFF's with, and they are my favorite kind of character. I am going to try really really hard to list ten characters without giving anything away about the books. (There are so many inspiring characters that I put them together by books. This probably isn't all of them, and books, I'm sorry if I forgot to mention you.)

Gabriella, Lia, Marcello, Luca, Fortino (and others) in the River of Time series - All five of these characters are in the River of Time series by Lisa Tawn Bergren. They are so strong and determined. Gabriella and Lia went back in time, got separated, made enemies, and had to go through many tough and perilous adventures, but they persevered. It was amazing how they all worked together, trusted each other, stayed so strong, had faith, never gave up, and tried to do the right thing no matter the cost. Marcello had amazing faith and leadership skills. Fortino was so inspiring, because of his strength through his sickness and something else that happened in one of the books (can't tell you what).

Kate and Ben in Sweeter than Birdsong - I really related to Kate. She was so shy at the beginning of the book, but as the story progressed her character really grew. She and Ben were so inspiring because of their kind personalities and the way they tried to help a colored family out of slavery, and fought for freedom. There were so many great quotes in this book.

Characters in The Help - There were so many amazing and inspiring characters in The Help. Their courage for working for equality and what is right, even through all the odds, was truly remarkable. This is another book with some very inspiring quotes, by the way.

Thalli in Anomaly - I loved how Thalli wouldn't/couldn't hide who she was. She wasn't like the others in her society, able to do anything she was told without question. Instead she was curious, and throughout the book we saw how strong and courageous she was, and her new found faith was so encouraging.

Characters in Melanie Dickerson's books - Melanie's books are amazing and I love the main characters (both female and male) in her books for their faith, hope, strength, kindness, and more.

Bella in A Charmed Life - Bella's world was turned upside down, she went through dangerous situations and encountered many problems, yet she turned to God and stayed strong in her faith and hope.

Maddie in Ireland, Mexico, and Papua New Guinea by Melody Carlson - Maddie has such a strong faith in God and is so determined to help others. This is something that I really relate to, as I hope to go on a mission trip this summer, or at least sometime in my life!

Some characters in the Tigers Curse series - I don't even know where to start with Kelsey, Ren, Kishan, and Mr. Kadam. Ren and Kishan had gone through so much in their lives, being cursed as tigers (can't give details) and everything they had been through, lost, and experienced. They were both so strong and courageous and much more (Ren is amazing). Kelsey was a character that I could really relate to at times. Her kindness, strength, and determination to help through all of the ups and downs (believe me there were a lot) was very inspiring. Mr. Kadam was always there for them. They were just all so admirable.

Many Characters in the Lunar Chronicles - Oh. My. Goodness. So many inspiring characters in this series. If you have read the series you probably know what I mean, but if not GO READ IT! I'm not even going to try to explain, because there is just to much I risk at giving something away.

Anna in A Countess Below Stairs - Anna and her family had escaped from the Russian Revolution, and Anna decided that she would work as a maid to help her family and not be discovered. Her determination to work and learn to work (quite humorous at times because she really didn't know anything about work and cleaning), her positive attitude, and her kindness were truly remarkable.

So many WONDERFULLY INSPIRING characters in these books. If you are looking for inspiration you should strongly consider reading any (or all of these books). There are so many more, but those were the first ten that I could think of, so sorry to those I didn't list (yes, I'm apologizing to book characters, laugh if you want).
What was your Top Ten Tuesday? What are inspiring characters or books that you have read?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Anna was Here by Jane Kurtz: Interview and Review

Anna Was Here Blog Tour Stop
Hi Jane! I'm so happy you could join us, and that I have the opportunity to ask such an inspiring author some questions. Thank you so much! This is my first author interview ever, so I am really excited, and this means so much!

Jane Kurtz is the author of many books for children and young adults. Her novel Anna was Here came out in 2013. She spent her childhood in Ethiopia with her missionary parents and siblings, and now works hard to inspire others through her experiences and writing.

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your childhood in Ethiopia?
Of course.Anna Was Here is partly a book about how hard it is to move and switch your heart from one place to another and from one group of people to another—and those feelings in me are rooted back to the time I was two-years-old when my parents decided to work for the Presbyterian Church in Ethiopia.  I loved growing up without television or radio.  I wouldn’t trade my childhood for anything.  I’ve tried hard—through many of my books—to show some of the details that intrigued me so much from hyenas to savannah animals to communities that still take time for music and stories and family.  But my childhood also meant I was on the go…back to the US for a year when I was 7 and again when I was 13.  Moving between Addis Ababa and the remote countryside.Never completely settling down.

Did you feel like an Ethiopian? How did your time there impact the rest of your life as well as your writing?
Right.  That’s the thing—I knew I wasn’t Ethiopian.  In those few years I spent in the US, I also knew I wasn’t completely American.  Some people call kids like me “third culture kids” because we never feel completely part of our parents’ culture OR the culture of the country where we’re living.  Feeling like an outsider is great training for writing, though.  I’m unusually close to my own siblings, who were the only people in the boat I was in, and we all are passionate about reading and writing, partly because of our mother’s modeling and partly because that was one way we found our balance in a sometimes confusing world.

After living in Ethiopia, what was it like to come back to the United States?
Anna Was Here shows my fascination with people who stay in one place their whole lives.  My husband grew up on a farm in Kansas, and every time we visited there, I was astonished at the different journey for someone who has to get along—and gets to get along--with one set of neighbors and community members for an entire life.  It has taken me a long time to grow roots in the U.S.

What is one thing that you would like to tell people that wish to help others and make the world a better place?
Figure out what you love to do and see if there are ways to use what you love to also make things better for someone else.  Sometimes I think we emphasize the sacrifice of helping out.  One problem with that is how hard it is to be helped when you feel someone else is doing it as a duty.  But when there’s an atmosphere of generosity and listening and kindness, I saw from the time I was a child that doing what you can to make the world a better place is a joyful way to live.  I volunteer with a project that is getting books to kids in Ethiopia ( and I try to make sure my efforts come from a place of delight and good, hard thinking about times when helping is actually harmful and when it truly helps.

How did you come up with the idea for Anna Was Here?
I’m a preacher’s kid but my kids are also preacher’s kids.  When we were moving from Colorado to North Dakota, my kids were about the age that Anna is.  We stopped for a few weeks to visit their grandparents in Kansas.  On the long drive from Colorado to Kansas, our cat did, in fact, hide under the seat.  A novel requires a whole bunch of ideas, but that’s where the story was first born.

Would you say that you or someone you know is like Anna? If so, in what ways?
Although it pains me to admit it, I’m a lot like Anna.  It seemed to me that my parents were in over their heads a lot of the time and that it was up to me to think about Plan B.  A friend of mine said, “When we studied the Ice Age in fourth grade, I started making plans for my family if there was another Ice Age.”  That’s me, too.  And that’s Anna.  I’m also someone who grew up in a family that took the Bible seriously—and how can you do that and not have questions about things like children in Ethiopia who don’t get a chance to go to school and read books?  I’ve had lifelong questions about such things…and found a few answers.

I loved how Anna was so inquisitive and curious, her concern for her cat, and how she learned about God and family throughout the book. Was it challenging to write the character of a nine/ten year old?
That’s always a huge challenge…to get into the heart and mind of a kid and remember what you felt in those times.  Luckily, I had lots of kids around me to remind me when I got off track.  Every Sunday in church, for example, I sit behind a group of kids, so they were constant inspiration.

I loved reading Anna's safety tips! They were so entertaining and informative. How did you come up with this idea? Were they fun to write?
Hahahahaha.  I love the safety tips, too.  The first idea came when I was doing a school visit and saw some posters on the wall of the school.  Then I read a book about survival techniques and thought about how Anna might, like me, be highly intrigued with, say, how to get out of an Egyptian pyramid.  Aren’t we all fascinated with stories of people who have managed to find a creative way out of a terrible situation?  I certainly am.  So writing those tips was one of the most fun parts of the book—even though they are about deadly serious situations.  I remember hearing a radio report about feral hogs in Kansas, for example, and thinking, “Perfect!”

Just for fun

Do you enjoy being outside or inside most?
I’m quite fond of both.  I wrote a book for the American Girl doll of the year in 2010 about a girl who says she was born with “outside genes.”  That was my dad—and he got us outside exploring and digging in the dirt, which I still love to do.  My mom had the “inside genes.”  She passed on her love of reading and writing to all of her children.

What is your favorite animal?
A bush baby.  I saw them on the savannah when I was a child and was entranced.  But it doesn’t take long in reading my books to also see how fond I am of cats.  Dogs got their day in Anna Was Here, thanks to my brother—who wrote a novel for young readers about a pig who wants to be a sled dog (Adventures of a South Pole Pig) and who has a dog I walk sometimes.

Where is your favorite place to travel, and where would you like to travel that you haven't been to?
I’ve spoken in all but 10 of the United States and also done author visits in China, Japan, several European countries, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, several countries around the Persian Gulf, Indonesia, the Philippines…I love seeing any place in the world and the surprises that come with traveling.

What do you like to do when you aren't writing or helping others?
Lanie, the character I invented for American Girl, learns that what we plant and the way we care for the soil can make a difference for butterflies and birds and bees—and I learned from Lanie!  Before that book, I’d had a vegetable garden but now I love to learn about native plants where I live (Portland, Oregon) and work on my rather scruffy yard to see what I can do with trees and groundcover and my compost bin and all kinds of cool things.   I even like digging up dandelions!

Thanks again to Jane Kurtz for appearing. For other stops on the Anna was Here blog tour please check

 5 out of 5 stars
Anna was Here by Jane Kurtz
Anna was Here by Jane Kurtz was a fun read that is perfect for children, even teens and adults can learn something from Anna's experiences! As Anna moved from Colorado to Kansas (what a big difference) even if it was temporary, she still had to deal with moving to a new place, being away from her friends and everything that is familiar. I can imagine how tough that would be.

Anna's had a great relationship with her family (and Midnight H. Cat) in the beginning, but went through some bumps throughout the book that she learned from. She was very smart for her age! She was so concerned with safety, I really enjoyed reading Anna's safety tips and I thought that they were a nice added detail to the book.

Kansas was filled with people that were related to her, which could cause some problems as well as solve some! The characters were very relateable, Anna's friendship with Morgan and the time she spent helping at the farm were entertaining and humorous.

While being faced with many situations, Anna learned a lot about God, family, friendship, who is in control of her life, and much more. It is a laugh out loud book and is especially great for young readers.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week of Wonder

Week of Wonder is what I call my Weekly Wrap-up. I will link up everything that I did on my blog this week - books I read, books I reviewed, what I'm currently reading, all my other posts, etc. I will also let you know about any upcoming events that are coming up on my blog. 
This button is new, so I would really like to know your opinion about whether or not I should change it, so please let me know!

Fangirl I'd Tell You I Love You, Bu...Cross My Heart and Hope to ...Don't Judge a Girl by Her C...Only the Good Spy Young (Ga...
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Gallagher Girls books 1-4 by Ally Carter (one big mini review)

Other Posts

Coming Up
Monday- Anna was Here blog tour - interview with the inspiring Jane Kurtz and review of Anna was Here 
(first ever interview!)

Memes I try to participate in weekly 
Top Ten Tuesday
 Waiting on Wednesday
Falling Behind on Friday

Look for Reviews of  (subject to additions or changes)
Anna was Here
Man of God

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking the shelves is a weekly meme hosted by  Tynga's Reviews, where you show what books you got during the week.

Received from Netgalley
Manor of SecretsWhen I’m With You (The Jane...Suddenly You (The Jane Aust...

Manor of Secrets by Katherine Longshore
When I'm With You by Cecilia Gray
Suddenly You by Cecilia Gray

Season of Wonder (The Remna...
Season of Wonder by Lisa Tawn Bergren (preordered)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Falling Behind on Friday

Falling Behind on Friday is a meme hosted by Moira the Fates book reviews. This is my first time participating, but I will probably participate every Friday or at least almost every Friday, as I am behind on a lot of books. I just have so many books that I want to read really badly and not enough time to read! My shelves are also more full of unread books than they have been for a while!
Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss, #1)

One word PARIS! Plus the books summary sounds interesting and cute, and so do the characters. Anna and the French Kiss sounds like a book that I must read.

I had seen this book before and wanted to read it, but then I kind of, might have, accidentally, um forgot about it. I will admit it, that happens sometimes! There are just so many books! Then, I was reminded about this book multiple times the Tuesday before Valentines day on many bloggers Top Ten Tuesday's post for the topic of books that make you swoon, so that makes me want to read this book even more! I love all things Europe, all things other countries really. I'm just truly fascinated by them. I don't normally read books with the word "kiss" in the title, but it sounds so interesting that I have to read it, so I hope I get to it soon!

What are you falling behind on?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Gallagher Girl books 1-4 by Ally Carter

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Gallagher Girls, #1)Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy (Gallagher Girls, #2)Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover (Gallagher Girls, #3)Only the Good Spy Young (Gallagher Girls, #4)
By Amy Carter
1. I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You 
2. Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy
3. Don't Judge a Girly by Her Cover
4. Only the good Spy Young

I am doing a mini review of books 1-4 of the Gallagher Girls series, because they are the ones I have read so far in this series and I read them last Summer. They were amazing, and I feel like I needed to review them first before I eventually finish the series! This is also a mini review, because I don't want to give ANYTHING away!

Five words - MYSTERY, UNDERCOVER, SPY, ACTION, ZACH,! I mean just those five words should make you want to read the Gallagher Girls series!
First of all, I love mysteries and anything spy related. I think it would be so cool to be a spy,  and this series makes being a spy look even more awesome. Not only do they go to the Gallagher Academy an elite spy school, but they have special gadgets, classes, and assignments! Everyone seems to be hiding a secret, from Cammie's mom and aunt to her favorite teacher to the very mysterious Zach and the boys academy. There are secrets everywhere and it's up to Cammie and her friends to uncover everything including the secret and deadly, ancient terrorist society.

I really liked how Cammie and her friends worked together no matter how undercover and under pressure they were. It was like nothing could stop them. Well. Except maybe, just maybe, the people in the organization that are out to KIDNAP them. All of their personalities are unique and they all "specialize" in different things, which makes each of them crucially important when working as a team.

Zach. The banter between Zach and Cammie is funny and very entertaining. Plus, what is better in a mystery book than a mysterious guy with secrets?! There are so many twists and turns in this series, you might see some coming, but don't worry you won't figure out everything!

Who can Cammie trust? Why can't anyone tell her the truth and why and is everyone hiding everything from her?
There is so much more that I would like to say about books 1-4 of this series, but I refuse say anything else for fear of giving something away. This series will not be spoiled, it would just take to much away from the emotions and twists of the series!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

FangirlFangirl by Rainbow Rowell

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Goodreads Summary
A coming-of-age tale of fan fiction, family and first love.

Cath is a Simon Snow fan.

Okay, the whole world is a Simon Snow fan . . .

But for Cath, being a fan is her life — and she’s really good at it. She and her twin sister, Wren, ensconced themselves in the Simon Snow series when they were just kids; it’s what got them through their mother leaving.

Reading. Rereading. Hanging out in Simon Snow forums, writing Simon Snow fan fiction, dressing up like the characters for every movie premiere.

Cath’s sister has mostly grown away from fandom, but Cath can’t let go. She doesn’t want to.

Now that they’re going to college, Wren has told Cath she doesn’t want to be roommates. Cath is on her own, completely outside of her comfort zone. She’s got a surly roommate with a charming, always-around boyfriend, a fiction-writing professor who thinks fan fiction is the end of the civilized world, a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words . . . And she can’t stop worrying about her dad, who’s loving and fragile and has never really been alone.

For Cath, the question is: Can she do this?

Can she make it without Wren holding her hand? Is she ready to start living her own life? Writing her own stories?

And does she even want to move on if it means leaving Simon Snow behind?

My review:
Oh my goodness! I can't believe I waited so long to read this book! I'm going to fangirl over Fangirl now!
First of all, I loved the characters, they were all unique and relateable. I honestly imagine myself being a lot like Cath at the beginning of the book when I go to College a year and a half from now. She was so shy, didn't talk much, didn't even know where the cafeteria was, and I love how she barely talked to her room mate - Reagan - for weeks and wouldn't let Levi (Reagan's friend or boyfriend - can't tell you which) into the room while Reagan wasn't there at first (very humorous)! Family was very important to her, and she was always there for her dad and twin sister Wren which I admired. She was very smart and responsible, and so into Simon Snow and her fan fiction writing.

I really liked how the whole twin thing was done, and how there were times when Cath would think about her relationship with Wren in the past. It showed how close they had been, and made it even sadder that Wren was drifting away from her. Wren had changed and Cath really missed her. There were times when I didn't really like Wren very much. Would Wren ever overcome her problems, and let Cath back into her life?

Finally Cath started talking to Reagan and they became friends which was kind of funny at first, because they were so different.

Levi! I really liked Levi! He was such a great guy, and always there for Cather (Cath) when she needed him. He went out of his way and made every effort to talk to her, even when he was always being ignored or brushed away. I loved how he was so nice to everyone and was always smiling. Doesn't every girl want a guy like that? I must say that this book made me swoon! There were many times during this book when I just couldn't stop smiling.

Fangirl was also humorous. There were many funny conversations and moments that made me laugh out loud. For one thing, The relationship between Levi and Reagan, and it was kind of obvious to the reader that he liked Cath, but she didn't see it.

The character growth was really good, especially Cath's. Throughout the book she basically went on a journey of self discovery. Living without her more outgoing twin, making her own friends, having her own balance of life, figuring out what SHE wanted, and discovering herself. She discovered that while Simon Snow and writing her fan fiction were important, they might not be the most important, and that she could be there for her dad and Wren without being around them every minute of every day. She also went from being uncomfortable around Levi to having a great relationship with him!

While the situation with her mom was really sad, I understand why she reacted the way she did. I mean Laura didn't really do anything to help the situation, and I was really disappointed in her.

I thought, and this is probably just me, that Fangirl ended a bit abruptly. I just wasn't expecting it to be completely over, and when I turned the page, it was. Nothing was left out or incomplete or anything, I just hadn't expected that it would end there.

This was a really good book, that will make you laugh, smile, swoon, think, and much more!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Love being a Blogger/Reader

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun meme posted by the Broke and the Bookish.
Topic: Top Ten Reasons I Love Being A Blogger/Reader

I just started blogging a month and four days ago (yes, exactly), but there are already so many things I love about it! I've been a reader of books since I was a baby - my parents say I always wanted to be read to-, and a reader of book blogs for at least three years.

I love to read - Reading is just such an amazing way to go places you have never been, explore new worlds, have adventures and experiences, and yes I will admit it (crazy as it may sound)  - make friends! Swooning over a character in a books so much more fun than swooning over one on TV! And I love getting to know the characters in books.

Takes me to a whole new place - Reading can take me anywhere, whether it's to a country I want to travel to, a time in the past, a time in the future, or a whole new world. 

Share my love of books with others - Okay. It's not like I don't have ANY friends that read, but I don't have very MANY that share my quirk. The other thing is that I have very different taste in books than the two friends I have that read the most. On my blog, I can share what I feel and think about the books I read. I'ts such a great feeling to share a new book with other people and make them want to read it!

Find new books - Reading a post on a blog is honestly how I discovered many of the books I have read or plan on reading, and definitely a huge help in deciding whether or not I wanted to read a certain book. Thank you to all of you amazing persuasive reviewers and your interesting and honest reviews!

Write - Not only do I love to read, but I also love to write. It's feels so nice to let out all of my thoughts and feelings about books into words, letting them flow onto my blog and into the brain of whoever wants to read them! Even if no one reads it, I still get a chance to write!

Meet new people - Maybe not literally, but still I meet new people that share my love for reading. I get to know quite a bit about their personalities by reading their blog posts/reviews, and any comments that they leave.
Which brings me to...

Getting Comments! - You know? Those wonderful gold stars that you used to get when you were little for doing a good job? When you're having a bad day and a friend makes you laugh or someone unexpectedly says something nice to you? Well, that's one of the great things about getting comments on my blog! They let me know that other people are reading and actually enjoying my reviews/posts, and that I might have done a good job on that post or said something that other bloggers/readers can interact with. It's such a great feeling! Plus it's a great way to talk about books, and make reading friends.

The memes - I love memes! They're just so fun to participate in and read! Some like Top Ten Tuesday I try to participate in every week, and some only occur once or twice a year, some are really unique, and they are all entertaining. Before I started blogging, I always wanted to participate in memes, but never did. I would think about what I would say in my mind, but that was it, so it has been really nice to participate.

Interviews - I love reading author interviews. Learning more about my favorite authors or reading answers from a characters point of view. I also love to give interviews (Okay, so, maybe I've only done one, and it won't even be published until Feb. 24, but I still enjoyed it)! 

Free books and getting to interact with authors - Before I started blogging, I didn't think I would get any free books, but I have (thanks to Netgalley, publishers, and authors)! I'ts so nice to get books to review for free. So much of my -and my dad's- money has been spent on books (I've been reading diligently since I was at least seven or eight). I love getting to interact with authors, whether they want to me read and review as book or do an interview!

What do you love about being a blogger/reader?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Thanks and Book Spine Poetry

I want to say a HUGE thank you to my four followers! I started this blog about a month ago (Jan. 14,2014), because I thought it would be fun, and because I love books. I never thought that I would get very many page views let alone any followers. So I was extremely excited when I got my first follower, then got three more! To all of you experienced and popular bloggers that probably doesn't sound like a lot, but to me it really is! THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU ARE AMAZING!

I also want to let you all know how much I love and appreciate everyone's comments! They are amazing, and brighten my day (especially if it hasn't been the best day). Getting a comment lets me know that I did a good job, and makes me feel like I have blogging friends! If you have commented on my blog THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Yesterday, my blog hit 1,000 page views! To everyone that has viewed my blog THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

My blog wouldn't be the same without all of you guys! You are all so AWESOME and AMAZING! 

So today I wanted to do something different, and I've been seeing a lot of book spine poetry lately, and thought that it looked really fun. I'm going to warn you now that it probably won't be very good, but I had a lot of fun doing it (even more than I thought I would) so here it is!

Destination UnknownGlamorous Illusions (Grand Tour, #1)Cinders & Sapphires (At Somerton, #1)Ruby Red (Precious Stone Trilogy, #1)Sapphire Blue (The Ruby Red, #2)Emerald Green (The Ruby Red Trilogy, #3)The Diamond Secret (Once Upon a Time Fairytales)

The Selection (The Selection, #1)The Sweetest SpellUnearthly (Unearthly, #1)A Charmed Life (The Charmed Life)Waterfall (River of Time, #1)Cascade (River of Time, #2)Torrent (River of Time, #3)Trouble in StoreWhere Courage Calls: A When Calls the Heart NovelSweeter Than Birdsong (Saddler's Legacy, #2)

Destination Unknown
Glamorous Illusions
Cinders and Saphires
Ruby Red
Sapphire Blue
Emerald Green
Diamond Secret
The Selection
The Sweetest Spell 
A Charmed Life
Trouble in Store
Where Courage Calls 
Sweeter than Birdsong

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week of Wonder

I think I am going to start calling my Weekend Wrap-up Week of Wonder (like wonderous in the blog title)! Week of Wonder will be where I put everything that happened on my blog that week as well as anything special that will Be coming up, and I will try to post one every Sunday. I am working on a button for this, I want it to look nice so I promise it will get there eventually!, (hopefully by next Sunday).

I Reviewed
Cress by Marissa Meyer
Don't even Think About it by Sarah Mlynowski
Bobby Ether and the Academy by R. Scott Boyer

I also Posted
Top Ten Tuesday - Swoonworthy
Waiting on Wednesday - Wish You were Italian by Kristin Rae

On February 24, I will be participating in the Anna was Here blog tour with an author interview with Jane Kurtz and a review of Anna was Here!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. I have made a button for my Stacking the Shelves, so let me know what you think.

What I received from authors and publishers
Anna was Here by Jane Kurtz (participating in blog tour 23-28)
Man of God by Gregg Bell

What I borrowed from my local Library 
Divergent and Insurgent by Veronica Roth

What I bought
Cress by Marissa Meyer
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

What did you stack your shelves with this week?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bobby Ether and the Academy by R. Scott Boyer

Bobby Ether and the AcademyBobby Ether and the Academy by R. Scott Boyer
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Bobby Ether and the AcademyGoodreads Summary:
"There is no such thing as magic." That's what the mysterious stranger named Cassandra tells Bobby after helping him escape from the small army of secret agents who surround his house. The elegantly dressed older woman with the fancy car takes him someplace that appears safe, but can she be...

This was an interesting book of adventure. After Bobby discovers his ability he is never really sure who he can really trust. This book had a lot of action and some suspense, as well as unique abilities. I found the concept of the abilities of using energy to be very interesting. At the Academy Bobby makes both friends and enemies, he learns, he discovers things that the people in charge of the Academy didn't want him to learn. He also has trouble using his abilities, especially in the beginning, which is very r. Will he be able to get past his emotions and connect with the ability that is inside him?

I liked how Bobby wasn't afraid to be friends with who he wanted to be friends with. The other character were also very interesting and likable. I wish I was as smart as Jinx and Master Jong's determination to fulfill his purpose through all the odds was a very nice characteristic. Some of the characters (I can't say who) were very cruel and power hungry, and some were just plain creepy.

Something I didn't like as much, was how Bobby believed all of the lies was told. I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same thing, but it was kind of annoying at times.

Throughout the book discoveries were made, many of which I saw coming. Overall this was a quick and interesting read, one I liked but didn't love. The ending was a cliff hanger, and I hope there will be another book.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for a review, but was not required to give one.

View all my reviews

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Don't Even Think About it by Sarah Mlynowski

Don't Even Think About ItDon't Even Think About It by Sarah Mlynowski
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Don't Even Think About ItGoodreads Summary
Publication: March 11, 2014
We weren't always like this. We used to be average New York City high school sophomores. Until our homeroom went for flu shots. We were prepared for some side effects. Maybe a headache. Maybe a sore arm. We definitely didn't expect to get telepathic powers. But suddenly we could hear what everyone was thinking. Our friends. Our parents. Our crushes. Now we all know that Tess is in love with her best friend, Teddy. That Mackenzie cheated on Cooper.

Since we've kept our freakish skill a secret, we can sit next to the class brainiac and ace our tests. We can dump our boyfriends right before they dump us. We know what our friends really think of our jeans, our breath, our new bangs. We always know what's coming. Some of us will thrive. Some of us will crack. None of us will ever be the same.
So stop obsessing about your ex. We're always listening.

My Review
Have you ever wished that you could read people's thoughts? Ever thought of what it would be like to be telepathic? Read this book, and I'm not so sure you would want to have telepathy for very long! During certain circumstances? Yes! All the time? Noooo, it would drive me nuts, and I really wouldn't want to know what most of the people at school are thinking!

It was kind of like watching a train. It starts moving, then it goes faster, and it's almost impossible to stop. Well, turned out that, cool as it sounds, telepathy was kind of like that. Definitely not all sunshine and roses. Everyone found out each others secrets, thoughts were heard of things that hopefully no one would ever say out loud, and lives were changed. Some things were funny. Some were annoying. Some were just downright mean and not right. It was kind of crazy.

It was nice how, through it all, they were a united front. Meetings were held to make decisions, and they had each others back - well sort of. I felt really bad for Cooper. His whole world was turned upside down, from his family to his friends to his girlfriend. He never got a break!

Overall, this book was okay. I liked it, but I didn't love it.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Waiting On Wednesday - Wish You were Italian

Waiting On Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine
Wish You Were ItalianWish You Were Italian by Kristin Rae

Wish You Were Italian Pippa is in Italy for the summer and, despite her parents’ wishes, she has no intention of just studying the local art! She has a list of things of her own to do: from swimming in the Mediterranean Sea to getting a makeover – and falling for an Italian boy! As Pippa explores the dramatic ruins of Rome and Pompeii, she is swept into her own drama with two guys: an irresistible local she knows is nothing but trouble and a cute American archaeology student . . . Will she find her true love?

The perfect reckless romance to enjoy whether you are home or abroad.(

Why I am waiting for this book
Wish you were Italian? I wish I could go to Italy! As the title says, this book takes place in Italy! Need I say more? It also sounds very interesting and funny. I love books that take place in other countries. Descriptions of the culture and sights, experiencing new things, locals, Italian, traveling? Yes please! Must. Read. Now. Okay, so I can't read it now (only because I don't have it), but as soon as it comes out!

View all my reviews

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Swoon Worthy

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish.
This weeks topic: Top Ten Books That Will Make You Swoon. This will be a fun one! I also must say that I love books that make me smile and not be able to stop, and that literally make me say awwww at times!

Warning - Warining - Warining - These books are completely clean and totally swoon worthy! Prepare for nonstop smiles, laughs, and uncontrollable swooning! 

Torrent (River of Time, #3)Tiger's Curse (The Tiger Sa...  Grave Consequences (Grand Tour, #2)Edenbrooke   Blackmoore
The River of Time Series by Lisa Tawn Bergren - How can you read this series and not swoon at least once? I mean come on! Marcello is amazing, and I love the relationship between him and Gabriella - it was so sweet. The adventure and trials they went through, the perfect conversations and moments, were just such a great combination. Then Luca and Lia's relationship. I said aw quite a few times while reading this series!

The Tigers Curse Series by Colleen Houck - Ren - sigh. I must say that I was team Ren all the way! He was just so amazing! I loved Ren and Kelsey's conversations, sweet moments, how they worked together, and his actions spoke so much. This is a totally swoon worthy series!

The Grand Tour series by Lisa Tawn Bergren - Yes, she has a talent for writing swoon worthy male characters. Will was great, he was so kind and caring, but his strong faith in God was probably his best characteristic.

Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson - This is another book that made gave me a smile that I just couldn't hide! It was just so sweet, and had such great conversation and descriptions of scenery!

Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson - While Blackmoore broke my heart and made me cry, it also made me swoon. It was just so sad and sweet! He would do anything for her, but circumstances will pull them apart. Kind of a forbidden love, and the circumstances - you have to read it to understand.

The Merchant's DaughterThe Healer's ApprenticeThe Fairest BeautyThe Captive Maiden
Melanie Dickerson's books - All of Melanie Dickerson's fairy retellings - The Merchants daughter, The Healers Apprentice, The Fairest Beauty, and The Captive Maiden - have all made me swoon! The lead male characters are just so wonderful, have a strong faith in God, and their ability to rescue when needed most (not that the female characters need rescuing) and they all have their moments and great characteristics! Melanie Dickerson definitely has a talent!

The Season   The Selection (The Selection, #1)   Cress (Lunar Chronicles, #3)   Violet Eyes 
The Season by Sarah McLean - The Season took place during the 1800s when they still had balls and wore pretty dresses, and rode in carriages. I loved how Alex and Gavin had history, their witty conversations and personalities were very entertaining and made me laugh out loud and smile! And the mystery was great!

Cress by Marissa Meyer - Between the relationships, Kai, Thorne, and Wolf definitely made me swoon at times with their clever remarks and sweet moments!

The Selection by Kiera Cassie - This book had some sweet moments, and I loved how the prince was so understanding. 

Violet Eyes by Debbie Viguie - This was a great retellings and I loved the relationship between the two main character! This was one if my favorites of the Once Upon A Time Series!