
Friday, February 21, 2014

Falling Behind on Friday

Falling Behind on Friday is a meme hosted by Moira the Fates book reviews. This is my first time participating, but I will probably participate every Friday or at least almost every Friday, as I am behind on a lot of books. I just have so many books that I want to read really badly and not enough time to read! My shelves are also more full of unread books than they have been for a while!
Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss, #1)

One word PARIS! Plus the books summary sounds interesting and cute, and so do the characters. Anna and the French Kiss sounds like a book that I must read.

I had seen this book before and wanted to read it, but then I kind of, might have, accidentally, um forgot about it. I will admit it, that happens sometimes! There are just so many books! Then, I was reminded about this book multiple times the Tuesday before Valentines day on many bloggers Top Ten Tuesday's post for the topic of books that make you swoon, so that makes me want to read this book even more! I love all things Europe, all things other countries really. I'm just truly fascinated by them. I don't normally read books with the word "kiss" in the title, but it sounds so interesting that I have to read it, so I hope I get to it soon!

What are you falling behind on?

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