
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I'm Back!

I guess I kind of went on an unexpected, unannounced, hiatus for about 10 days, but really longer because my posting was so sporadic for about a week before. If you missed, well fear no longer, because I am back and ready for some fun!

Why the unexpected hiatus? Well, first of all I was super busy with my last couple weeks of high school and stress over a speech I had to give for a scholarship I received. All of that stress put me in a blogging slump, and I just couldn't bring myself to blog at all. I wondered if blogging was even worth all the stress, when my Netgalley review books won't open up (is there anything I can do about that, or are they just gone?). On top of that, my computer won't connect to the internet, so I have to use my mom's and that was kind of irritating because I miss my laptop where I don't have to log into everything every single time, and I don't want her to blame me if her computer gets messed up too.

But now, it's summer! I am officially done with high school (pretty much - our last day was last Thursday, but graduation is this Friday, and unfortunately I have to speak). I missed blogging, and I'm ready to come back! I did do some reading, so I'll have some reviews and blog tours up soon, and I'll get back to doing Top Ten Tuesday posts, discussions, and more! I'm excited to be back to blogging where I can release my voice and share my love of books! 

Now I have some "spring cleaning" to do - reviews to link to my review archive, organizing my blog planner, etc. Really I just need to get back on track when it comes to blogging! So, wish me luck!

I also plan to cut back on the number of times I post weekly. It just won't be possible for me to post every day when I'm in College, so I am going to schedule less for a week and schedule farther ahead.

Have you ever gone through a blogging slump? How did you get through it? Can I ever read those Netgalley review books or do I have to go buy them when they come out?

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