
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Life Update

I feel like doing a life update today just because I want to (I'm writing this on Monday even though it won't go out until Thursday). 

The ACT and College
Oh, the life of being a senior.
 Being a senior sounded great until....

I've been feeling stressed recently because I have to take the ACT Saturday. Super scared, but Sunday the sermon I heard at my Church really reminded that I need to trust God and his plan for me! And I teach the 2-year old class at our Church and the theme is "God helps us do big things." The last three stories have been on David and if God can help David fight a lion, bear, and Goliath he can help me do well enough on the ACT to get the Promise Scholarship and I need to trust in him to help me because I can't do anything on my own! It really took a huge burden off of my shoulders, and now I feel a little better about taking it - if God wants me to do well on my first try then I will, if not I'll keep taking it until I get it right - it's all up to Him and there's nothing I can do about it! 

I absolutely have to get the Promise Scholarship and possibly other scholarships as well in order to afford College, and if I don't I'm in trouble. So stressful. But I'm trusting God and handing everything over to him. I know He can handle it all, in fact he already knows what will happen!

I tried to have posts ready in advance for this week so I could focus on studying.

I've discovered some newer (to me) great Contemporary Christian artists that I really need to get the cd's of soon so I don't have to keep listening to them over and over again on YouTube!
Royal Tailor
Love and the Outcome
Moriah Peters
Jessa Andrews

So, I've mentioned this before, but I really love Hallmark movies. Hallmark movie channel recently changed to Hallmark Movies and Mysteries, and they along with Hallmark channel have been playing a new original movie every week and I always record them and watch them throughout the week. It's so great! So many awesome new movies!

I still think I need to get a Netflix soon though.

Amazon Prime
I really, really want to get Amazon Prime (maybe my dad will pay for it)! I could get so much great music and books for free!

How is life right now for you? Be honest, I really want to know!

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