
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Three Little Words by Melissa Tagg

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Goodreads Summary
Ava Kingsley and Seth Walker might be the most unlikely friends ever. The only thing these two polar opposites have in common is a knack for wordsmithing. Back in college, they were known for their written sparring in the campus newspaper's popular "He Says/She Says" column.

At their ten-year college reunion, they pick up right where they left off. Except this time their squabbling leads to a surprising turn: friendship and a year-long exchange of emails. So when Ava approaches a crossroads in her athletics department career in Minnesota, Seth is quick to offer the open apartment above the restaurant he's been remodeling in Maple Valley, Iowa.

Ava doesn't know where her career will lead her next, but she's starting to suspect she might see Seth as more than a pen pal. Which would be exciting...except for the fact that he only sees her as a friend.

As Maple Valley grows on her, Ava wonders if there might be something here for her even though Seth is unavailable. And maybe, just maybe, after all the words the two of them have exchanged over the years, they'll finally be able to say the three that matter most.

Three Little Words is an e-only novella that gives an exciting introduction to Melissa Tagg's new series about the charismatic Walker family and the endearing town of Maple Valley!

My Review
I read a book by Ms. Tagg last year, and really enjoyed. Ever since I heard that she was writing this series, I have been looking forward to reading it.

Three Little Words was a perfect e-novella to start off the Walker Family series! Since it was a novella, and the summary does such a good job telling you what it’s about, and because you should read it for yourself, I’m going to keep this short and sweet.

Ava and Seth were realistic and witty. I enjoyed their journey and the fact that they had so much history together. From their past rivalry/arguing College relationship, to their chance meeting, super sweet and awesome emails, to their newfound friendship that they just might wish to turn out to be more, they took us on quite a wonderful and heartwarming journey. I loved the theme of following your dreams, yet not being afraid of new ones.
The pacing did not feel rushed, and I was able to get to know the characters. I was thrilled that it was such a well developed novella!

I can’t wait to read more about the Walker family! I met some pretty interesting siblings in this one!

(Review of From the Start book #1 coming soon)

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