
Friday, November 28, 2014

My Thanksgiving Week

Here's a quick little overview of what my Thanksgiving week is like.
Normally I get the whole week off from school, but this year they decided to be rude and annoying and make us go Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, which really stunk. I'll be honest I didn't go Wednesday because my Grandma really need a lot of help cooking. I spent Saturday and Wednesday baking 6 kinds of cookies (Saturday: sugar cookies with icing, orange cookies, fruit cake cookies, Wednesday: chocolate cookies, and two different types of sugar cookies without milk that my sister can have), 2 pumpkin pies, deviled eggs, etc. 

I love to cook, so that was a blast! I was disappointed that we didn't get the whole week off because I usually cook a lot more, I could have watched more Christmas movies, and I could have got more posts scheduled, and more books read, and chilled a little. Oh well.

I love being able to spend time with my family and this opportunity to get together and celebrate everything we're thankful for, all the laughing we do, and I'm thankful for the two (or three) days we got off!

By the way, as for the Friday after Thanksgiving, I never go Black Friday shopping. It's just to crazy for me, to crowded, to many people. I'd rather curl up at home with a good book, my dog and cat, and a cup of hot chocolate, and occasionally scour Barnes and Nobles and Amazon for any good book sales!
What is your Thanksgiving week like? Is it busy? Lots of family time?

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