
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Blog Tour: Becoming Beauty by Sarah Boucher

Welcome to Becoming Beauty's Blog Tour! Learn all about Sarah E. Boucher and her exciting new Young Adult novel based on the classic fairy tale Beauty & The Beast.

Becoming Beauty

Self-centered Bella focuses her attention on

beautiful dresses and fabulous balls rather than helping her family earn a

living.  And her siblings have had

enough! To pay off their father’s debt, they send Bella to a far-off manor
where the owner is more like a beast than a man.

As their personalities clash, Bella comes to

realize there’s more to the Beast than she could ever have dreamed—if only she

can look beneath the surface. And then there’s Jack, the kind servant who helps

Bella adjust to her new life, someone Bella could easily fall in love with. But
pursuing love may cost Bella her dreams of wealth and beauty. And that’s a
price she’s not willing to pay.

Becoming Beauty is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and books & things.

Author Spotlight

Sarah E. Boucher spends her days instilling young children with the same love of literature she has known since childhood. After hours, she pens her own stories and nurses an unhealthy obsession for handbags, high heels, baking, and British television. Sarah is a graduate of Brigham Young University, who currently lives and teaches in Ogden, Utah. Becoming Beauty is her first novel.

Or connect with Sarah by clicking through to the following social media sites:

And don't forget to click below and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

My Review
5 Stars

You guys probably know this by now - I love fairy-tale retellings! Beauty and the Beast has always been my very favorite, so I was so excited to read Becoming Beauty and be a part of the blog tour.

I loved the writing style. Ms. Boucher did a fantastic job bringing the story to life with her use of language, word choice, and description/details. The whole story was so beautifully written and jumped off the page! I bookmarked a handful of pages because I wasn't able to highlight (which I rarely do) because there was something I wanted to read again soon!

Bella was kind of self centered in the beginning of the book. She begged her father for expensive things that they could barely afford, she sat around daydreaming about finding love and wealth while the rest of her family did all of the work, never once getting her pristine hands dirty. Normally, I would despise this kind of main character, but - maybe it was because of the writing style, or maybe I just had hope that she would change - I didn't.  As she begins working for the Beast she goes on a huge character journey of growth. While still maintaining her wit and sarcasm she learns to work hard and enjoy it, but most of all she learns what beauty truly means!

As she attempts helping the Beast find himself again, the mysteries of the past are discovered. I thought the secrets were very well thought out and liked how the timing was paced giving the reader some time to try to figure things out without driving us mad because we only have an inkling of an idea!

Now on to the Beast and Jack. Two great guys, one is The One for Bella! One she can goad and the other seems to understand her. One "needs" her, the other wants what's best for her. Don't be so sure you have it all figured out! All I will say was that I kind of suspected it from the beginning but thought I was wrong. I was kind of surprised I didn't see the whole ending coming - looking back the subtle hints were right there!

There are plenty of twists in this book! It is not your classic Beauty and the Beast - which is a good thing because it would get boring reading the same story twenty plus times! There are lots of
discoveries to make both about the book, and about life and true beauty! There will definitely be times when you smile and laugh too!

This was a fantastic and beautiful debut and I can't wait to find out what else Ms. Boucher has up her sleeve!

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are solely my own.

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