
Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Daughter of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Goodreads Summary
Fans of Downton Abbey, Jane Eyre, and Pride & Prejudice will enjoy this pure and inspiring romance taking place in Edwardian England amid a clash of cultures and changing times.

Eighteen-year-old Katherine Ramsey travels to London with her family to make her debut into society and hopefully find her future husband. Her overbearing aunt insists she must secure a proposal from a wealthy young man who is in line to inherit his father’s title and estate. But Katherine questions her aunt’s plans when she gets to know Jonathan Foster, a handsome medical student and strong Christian who is determined to protect the poor and vulnerable in London’s East End. When a family scandal puts a damper on Katherine’s hopes for the season, she has time to volunteer with Jonathan, caring for children in one of London’s poorest areas, and romance blossoms. Katherine’s faith grows and she begins to envision a different future with Jonathan. But when Katherine’s work in the East End puts her in danger, Jonathan distances himself from Katherine to protect her. A wealthy suitor reappears, and Katherine must choose which path to follow.

My Review
The Daughter of Highland Hall truly struck a chord within me. It was beautifully written, but most of all I loved and connected to the message and faith, the character growth, and the story. 

This is Kate's debut season, but instead of being a stereotypical debutante at the beginning like people would expect of her, you could see her inner personality and grace shine through. She is not a spoiled child in any way. I loved seeing her grow spiritually as she watched Julia and Jon live their faith out loud. Her spirit, strength, honesty, determination, selfless kindness, and caring manner were present at all times and I enjoyed seeing it played out and growing stronger as the book progressed. She grew in leaps and bounds throughout the book especially spiritually, going from a girl who wasn't to sure about God, to one who trusted in him for every move.

I really loved the way that missionary work was presented and played out throughout this book, I really connected to Jon and Kate through their feelings toward that, and their response toward God's calling. I know exactly what that feels like, and it was written perfectly. It's the best feeling ever to know that God is calling you to do something. I wish more books were like this in that light, and I found it truly moving (it made me long to be in Romania again, and I really hope I get to do more missionary work someday). 
I also enjoyed reading about Jon's constant faith and his relationship with God since his childhood. It was interesting to read about the medical aspect and his time in India. He was such a great guy and so perfect for Kate, but then there was Edward! Their conversations were very enjoyable and I looked forward to their time together and what would be drawn from it! 

Would she be willing to sacrifice a life of privilege? Would he be willing to ask her to?

There was a lot depth to this book, and the other characters were great to read about as well. I was transported into the Edwardian time period, visualizing and living through events with these characters. There's also exciting action and danger. I hope to read more books by Carrie Turansky soon -The Governess of Highland Hall is going to be moved up on my TBR list, and I'm going to add her other books to my TBR immediately! This is definitely worth a read, and a re-read too!
I received a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are solely my own.

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