
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Things I'd like

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we pick the top ten things that we choose for the topic of the week.
Topic - Top Ten Bookish Things (that aren't books) That I'd Like to Own (new bookshelves, bookends, cool bookmark, a bookish shirt, etc. You can add things you do own if you want)

I the first bookshelf is fantastic! It has so much room. I think all of my books would fit on it, and I would have room to decorate it with flowers etc. and make it look nice! my bookshelf is so small and stuffed. I have books in it, books in my bed's headboard, book on my headboard etc. I just hope we would have room for this bookshelf!

I want this bookshelf if we don't have room for the first one.


 amethyst bookends.Pretty bookends are a must.
If I had the big bookshelf I would have room for bookends and more organized books. I've never had bookends and as you can see, I got kind of into fining some. I did a google search for bookends and these are the first few that I really liked. (I couldnn't decide, I would probably change the color of the red one, but I thought it was pretty)

I really like flowered lamps. They are so pretty, I couldn't choose between these!
(all of these pictures were found from Google)

A bookish purse - Every girl needs a purse. My purse always has a book in it. Why not have a bookish purse?

A bookish candle - Sometimes I like to light a candle in my room while I read. They smell so good!

A bookish shirt

A bookish poster - I want to make some posters sometime of books that I've read.

Cool bookmarks - I'm always in need of an awesome bookmark!

A Kindle - I have a Nook, and I love it. But I would also like to have a Kindle, especially since I can't figure out how to download Netgalley books onto my Nook, so I have to read them on my phone. My phone is great, but it's kind of annoying to read on my phone because it's so small and not as much like a book.

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