
Monday, January 27, 2014

Waterfall (River of Time, #1)Waterfall by Lisa Tawn Bergren

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am reviewing this as a series, because I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read these amazing books yet. I actually read this series a while ago (I've read most of it twice) but what kind of person would I be if I didn't share my favorite series on my blog?!

The River of Time Series is my all time favorite series ever! (Are you excited yet?)  I have read them all, and they are a must read for all teens and adults, because they have something in them for everyone - suspense, adventure, amazing/interesting/relateable characters and setting, true love, and more. There are laugh out loud moments, parts that will make you cry, moments where you will say aww, and if you are a nail biter you might ruin your nails (don't say I didn't warn you) but it is totally worth it. I couldn't put these books down, and I know that you will love them too.

As Gabriella and Lia Betarrini travel back in time they discover many things about themselves and about life, you will follow them on that path and go to a whole new world - ancient Italy.

The characters are described so well that they feel like real people, and as the book goes on you get to know and love them even more. Lisa Tawn Bergren did a phenomonal job of making us feel like we are the main character! We feel like we are facing each and every trial and obstacle that jumps out at Gabriella, Lia, Marcello, and all of the other characters while being absorbed in these pages. They were just so AMAZING. (The setting And descriptions are also FANTASTIC and play a huge part in that).

I loved Gabriella, Lia, Luca, and Marcello's personalities, and how family was so important to them. I totally related to that. Marcello was soooooo wonderful, and he is sooo perfect for Gabriella. Need I say more?

I also loved that these books are also Christian books.  How faith is so important to Marcello, and how  the sisters grow in their faith as they go through the series. (Even if you are not a Christian you should still read these books, it wasn't overly done or preachy so it shouldn't bother you)

These books must be read in order, and anyone who doesn't read them will miss out on one of the best series of books ever, trust me, you won't regret reading them.  The only bad part about the books was that they ended, I could have gone forever reading them. I truly hope that Lisa Tawn Bergren will write more books like these, and she has definitely become one of my favorite authors! I hope everyone else who reads these books will love them as much as I did!Waterfall

Books in the River of Time series
Refuge (not released yet)

The Grand Tour series is also an amazing series by Lisa Tawn Bergren. (I have read it, and a review is coming).

View all my reviews


  1. Awww, I love this series! I've only read Waterfall and Cascade, but I loved them. :) I've been meaning to get to Torrent for ages now. I also really like how the Christianity is done in them! I don't normally read "Christian" books, but it works really well in this series, and definitely wouldn't bother someone who isn't a Christian. Great review! Now I need to get myself a copy of Torrent! :)

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

    1. Oh my goodness! You need to read Torrent NOW! It's amazing! I also like how the Christianity is done, not at all overwhelming so anyone can read it.


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