
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sweeter than Birdsong by Rosslyn Elliot

Sweeter Than Birdsong (Saddler's Legacy, #2)Sweeter Than Birdsong by Rosslyn Elliott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sweeter Than Birdsong
This book was truly inspiring! I am going to warn you now though that I almost gave this book a 4, because parts of it were so extremely sad, but after time away from the book, I am ready to give it a 5, because of how inspiring it was and great message that it conveys.

I totally relate to Kate Winters! As a student at the top of her class at the beginning, she was so shy and afraid to speak in front of her College class. I am the same way! I loved the journey she went through throughout the book, growing into a new person with the help of Ben Hanby.

The Historical aspect of this book was also amazing. It was great to read a book about the Underground Railroad and how some people, despite the danger, risked their lives for the freedom of slaves. I have never understood how anyone could treat people in the cruel ways that slave owners treated their slaves. It was unjust and not right in any way. I have always hoped that I would have had the courage to stand up for what I believed in if faced with a situation like that.

Ben Hanby was an amazing character as well. He and his family were real people, and really were involved in helping slaves gain freedom via the underground railroad.  I loved how he was so determined to write his song and do justice to the reason he was writing it (I can't say why, because that would be a spoiler), and how he and his family were all so kind and determined to help those in need.

Ben and Kate were such a good couple! It was nice how they talked and helped each other get through things even though their circumstances were against them. The way Kate's parents acted, especially at the beginning was really sad, especially since I don't know what I would do without my wonderful parents.

The only problem I had with this book I can't say without it being a huge spoiler, but I understand why it had to be that way. Ben never would have written his song to that effect if it hadn't, though it was extremely sad (I cried a lot, not tears I could hide either).Don't let this stop you from reading it though, because it was one of the MOST INSPIRING BOOKS I HAVE EVER READ!

One of the things that Nelly, one of the slaves they were helping escape, said was truly inspiring, and so perfect for that time. "Up there where no one can catch him, he sings that freedom song." I also love the part at the end when Kate truly stands up for what she believed in.

Rosslyn Elliot did a truly fantastic job writing this book. The writing was fantastic, interesting, and completely well done.

View all my reviews

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