
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Ring of Secrets

Ring of Secrets (The Culper Ring #1)Ring of Secrets by Roseanna M. White

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Roseanna M. White has a gift for writing and creating wonderful characters. Just in case you hadn't already guessed, I loved this book!

First of all I loved the setting and how Winter's relationship with God was evident throughout the book, and the mystery and intrigue with the Culper Ring (which was real). Winter was a very likable character who was very smart, though she hid her true self by a mask to please her Grandmother and hide her feelings.
The relationship between Winter Reeves and Bennet Lane was wonderful and so sweet. He could see through Kate's mask from the start and gradually tried to unravel the mystery of Kate Winters. Kate didn't want to like Bennet at first, but eventually they fall for each other. Through the dangers of espionage, their secrets, and their circumstances, will Kate and Bennet have a happy ever after?
Kate was such a good person who wanted to do the right thing, though she didn't always know what that was at first. With prayer will she be able to figure everything out, and be able to let down her mask?
Another character that I really liked was Freeman, Winter's second father. It was amazing how even though he was black and Winter's grandfather didn't like him, he was still loyal to Winter and watched over her like she was his own child while her father fought in the war.
While this was a historical fiction book, it wasn't dull in any way. Though I learned many things, the descriptions and conversations between characters were amazing, and I could see it all playing out in my head (just like with any good book). There were many valuable lessons that the characters of this book learned such as looking past a persons facade, how everyone is equal and should be treated fairly

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